Set Nº 67

  Barkwraith Spriggan

Since the War of Cosmo in the First Era, when Arba sacrificed herself to create a barrier protecting Mundus from Demons, the fey known as Spriggan — her firstborn — became vengeful spirits of nature, awakening whenever trespassers dare to enter their sacred groves. As ancestors of all Alfar who now roam Mundus, the Spriggan’s mutable nature keeps them disguised as shrubs or saplings in times of peace, though they can transform into fearsome creatures of wood and vine, wielding natural sylverite blades and claws.
Their most dangerous and deceptive form, however, is that of spectral, charming maidens and youths, an enchanting allure they use to lead the unwary deep into their realm. Their recent awakening in these chaotic times is seen by many as a sign that the Lady of Trees herself may soon return.

Barkwraith Forest Primordial

When war threatened the Forest of Arba, the proudest trees of the forest rose as Forest Primordial, towering guardians embodying Deeproot’s strength.
Wielding colossal stone weapons rumored to have belonged to the Temple of Arba lost statues, they remain steadfast defenders of Deepwood.
In their presence, even trees bow, recognizing these mighty beings as the forest’s eternal guardians.
In time of peace, they shapeshift to majestic tree, ready to awake to defend their grove from anyone who doesn't belong to the fey.


Feydris, Deeproot Enchantress

"By Arba’s grace, may the vines of Deeproot reclaim all that threatens her peace."

A revered figure among the Spriggan, Feydris is the embodiment of Arba’s mystical power, one of the high priestes of the great tree of life together with the Lurikeen Faelin Oakwhisper and the elder Archdruid Toryden.

With her sylverite scythe and deep sorcery, she harnesses the wild’s raw magic, channeling it through ritual and charm to both protect and defend. Her connection to Arba is profound, as her spells breathe life into ancient wards and summon ethereal vines to entwine and shield her kin. Feydris stands as a powerful custodian of the forest’s primal magic, whispering Arba’s old incantations to keep the forest safe.

The Green Knight

"I'm the shield and the sword of the green dragon. None shall pass who threaten Arba’s realm."

The Green Knight, stalwart and noble guardian of the Green Dragon Feythornaax, is the vengeful blade of Arba’s protection. Cloaked in bark armor and wielding a rapier of thorns, he stands ready to defend the Elder Dragon and his grove during his endless time of slumber.

Though silent, his presence alone commands respect, a living embodiment of chivalry. Still as a wooden statue covered in leaves and ancient moss, He is ever vigilant, his thorned shield raised, waiting to guard the Deeproot's heart and all it shelters within.

Mandragora, the Fairy

"Enter Deeproot in peace, or be bound to it forevermore."

Mandragora is a fey creature, part of Deeproot’s enchanting mystery and a figure of beauty in the forest. She drifts through Deeproot, her delicate wings like dappled leaves, bringing whispers of Arba’s will.

A guide and a guardian, she charms both ally and enemy. Mandragora dances through the groves, luring intruders with her charm and aiding the Spriggan with a wisdom as old as the forest itself.

 Avatar of Arba, Lady of Trees and Seeds

"From my roots, life blooms; from my sacrifice, Mundus endures. When peril encroaches upon my groves, I shall rise, my spirit woven through the land, fierce as the storm and gentle as the morning dew. I am the forest eternal, the breath of every leaf, the heart of every grove."

In the dawning days of the First Era, Arba shaped Mundus with life, covering it in forests, groves, and vibrant fields, an embodiment of nature’s boundless beauty. Known as the Lady of Trees and Seeds, her essence was woven into the land itself, a reminder of her nurturing spirit.

However, when the War of Cosmo threatened all of Mundus, Arba fought fiercely alongside her fellow Lords. After being mortally wounded by Baalzrodan, to protect Mundus from the rest of the demonic invasion, she made a tremendous sacrifice, pouring her last essence into a spiritual barrier to seal Mundus. This act cost her physical form, leaving her spirit trapped in a distant planar realm, regenerating over millennia as long as her cult worship her.

Though Arba’s essence lingers within her land, she cannot yet walk Mundus in her true form. Her devoted followers, however, have found a way to call forth a fraction of her power in times of dire need. Through complex and draining rituals, they invoke her Avatar, a towering entity of wood, roots, and vine—a fierce blend of beauty and wrath.

This Avatar is a colossal, centaur-like being with limbs like tree roots and the graceful torso of a fey-like maiden, echoing the image of her Spriggan children. Invoking the Avatar is an act only undertaken in the gravest of circumstances, as each summoning drains the Tree of Life Yaldain, leaving Mundus and its forests slightly dimmed—a price her followers do not pay lightly.

The Avatar of Arba is not merely a guardian but a manifestation of nature’s fury, wielding the primal energies of the forest itself. Wherever it treads, life blooms or perishes at her will.

This Avatar embodies Arba’s enduring love for Mundus and her unyielding wrath against those who would harm it, a force of nature both beautiful and deadly—a mere whisper of the Lady of Trees’ true power, waiting to be reborn.

Willow Trees

Lining the heart of Deeproot, these towering willow trees form natural barricades and sanctuaries within the forest. Their roots stretch deep, woven together by ancient magics, providing safe passage for allies and thwarting those who threaten the forest. Ever-watchful, the willows sway with the pulse of Arba’s spirit, guardians in their own right and testaments to the forest’s resilience.