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Set Nº 66


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The fiends have awakened... Raaz'n Guul's twisted children, the beastmen, have gathered into an army larger than ever. Hordes of ruthless goatmen from the mountains, known as the Gobor, have allied with the brutal and corrupted chaos Minoc, ready to march upon the mortal realms. With the roaring towering aberration marching alongside them and led by a powerful beastlord, they bring ruin to all who stand in their path. The age of the beast is upon us... and no realm will be spared.

Gobor Warriors

The Gobor are the savage footsoldiers of Raaz’n Guul’s fiendish legions, ruthless goatmen born from the corruption of the natural world. Hailing from the dark forests and hills of Rotvar, they fight with deadly iron weapons, driven by an unholy rage. As cunning hunters and relentless fighters, they form the backbone of the beastmen army, striking with ferocity and overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers and brutality.

Chaos Minocs

Once paragons of order and law, a platoon of Minoc from Anphitria were led astray by the greed of their commander, Vorrkarn, who sought to become the strongest of his kin. Lured by the dark promises of Raaz’n Guul, Vorrkarn accepted the gift of chaos, damning his kin to corruption. Now transformed into massive beasts of destruction, the once-noble Chaos Minoc wield brutal weapons infused with chaotic energy, their minds consumed by the thirst for power and bloodshed. Once fighting to bring peace and order, they now fight only to satiate their endless desire for carnage, multiplying in the dark corners of Rotvar, and growing in number with each passing day."

Cavroon - Gobor Bonedancer

"They hear nothing... but I listen to the stones, and they guide us all. Soon, the bones will dance, and the blood will flow."
— Cavroon, Gobor Bonedancer

Old as the bones he commands, Cavroon was the first of the Gobor to hear the dark whispers emanating from the ancient, bestial Menhirs. Whether the voice belongs to Melmora, or Raaz’n Guul, born from her rotten tooth, none can say for certain, but the power it grants him is undeniable. While the rest of his kin are driven by little more than primal bloodlust, Cavroon's twisted mind sees beyond the chaos. He leads the Gobor not through strength, but through fear—the fear of his dark magic and the mysterious forces he communes with.

The Gobor would likely tear each other apart without Cavroon’s guidance, but under his foul leadership, they march as one. His rituals, performed to the sound of bone and decay, keep the tribe united, even if only out of terror. Every time the Menhirs hum with that strange voice, Cavroon listens, and the Gobor follow. They may not understand the will behind the whispers, but they know better than to defy the Bonedancer.

His grotesque rituals corrupt the land and spread chaos, as he revels in the madness of his crazy dance. They say his wicked laugh echoes like the wind through dark woods of Rotvar, a sign that plague and destruction are near.

Beastlord Bazgor, the Butcher

Few names inspire more terror in Rotvar cities than Beastlord Bazgor, known to his enemies as the Butcher. Once a lowly warrior among the Gobor, Bazgor’s rise to power came through sheer brutality and the strength of his iron will, as the militar leaders of the beastmen impose their status only through brutality and raw strength. Clad in rusted iron armor and wielding a cleaver as tall as himself, Bazgor carved a path of destruction across the battlefield.

The other Gobor follow him because they know none can stand against his fury, and those who do are quickly cleaved in two. Under his command, the Gobor warbands have united into a single brutal force, spreading chaos wherever they march. While Cavroon may be the tribe’s guide, Bazgor is the hammer that crushes their foes into submission, leaving only carnage in his wake.

Kzara, Gobor Priestess

"Power comes with great sacrifice."
— Kzara, Gobor Priestess

Devout cultist of Melmora, the Lady of Change, Kzara sought to harness the goddess’s power to ascend beyond her mortal form. In a dark ritual meant to grant her eternal life, Kzara’s body was twisted into that of a Gobor, her humanity forever lost. Now, with a form that set her apart from her savage kin, Kzara wields the chaotic magic of Melmora to perform twisted rites in service of the Gobor tribe.

Though she outwardly resembles a Gobor, her mind remains sharp, her knowledge of Melmora’s secrets making her one of the most feared priestess in the tribe. Through her dark magic, she strengthens the Gobor, manipulating life, death, and decay to further the will of her corrupt goddess.

Vorrkarn, Beastman Aberration

"Once a proud commander, now he is nothing but a beast of chaos. Stripped of reason, he exists only to slaughter, feared even by his own kin."
– A Monastic Scribe of the Requiem Monastery

Once the proud and ruthless commander of a platoon of Minoc in Anphitria, Vorrkarn's thirst for power consumed him. Lured by the dark whispers of Raaz’n Guul, spawn of Melmora, he delved too deep into the corrupt magic of chaos to gain strength and dominance. His body was twisted beyond recognition in a brutal ritual, warping him into a colossal, grotesque four-armed monstrosity. Scarred by countless battles, Vorrkarn is now more beast than Minoc, driven by an insatiable hunger for carnage.

With his massive frame towering over even his kin, Vorrkarn wields the brutal strength of chaos, cleaving through enemies and allies alike with the blades fused to his twisted body. His mind has been shattered by the transformation, leaving only a primal, feral rage that even his fellow beastmen fear. In battle, he is a living engine of destruction, a brutal force of nature that leaves nothing but ruin in his wake.

Bestial Menhir

Ancient stones etched with primal power, the Bestial Menhir are not mere relics of a forgotten age, they are conduits of ancient magic, built by the fiendish forces and the cult of Raaz'n Guul during the First Era. These towering monoliths hum with dark energy, whispering to the ears of those who dare approach them.

Attempts to destroy these menhirs have only led to disaster. One shattered menhir turned to dust and fragments, but the dust itself spread through the land, corrupting entire Rotvarian forests and warping the wildlife. Those who touch even the smallest fragment are twisted beyond recognition, and terrifying weapons have been forged from these shards—cursed blades that corrupt their bearers and inflict wounds that fester with chaos.